Thursday 9 August 2012


final reflections

These last two weeks have been an amazing, life changing experience. I feel my faith has grown stronger and I really have a passion to do God's work in Bexhill.

During this trip I've laughed, cried, felt broken hearted and been fuming with anger. The program we followed was not all I had hoped for, I felt we had a bit too much free time and not enough hands on work and helping others.
I most certainly want to come back again to do more. I am so glad I came as I have been able to see God at work, the majority through the children at the mobile school. They have so much joy from just singing praises to God and thanking him for each day. It has altered the way I view everything and everyone, I thank God for giving me this chance and opportunity to grow, develop and change. 

Kolkata in three words - noisy, amazing and terrifying!

Sarah x

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