Thursday 9 August 2012


final reflections

After 2 weeks in Kolkata I have mixed feelings about leaving. While it will be great to come home, It will be a shame to leave behind the people and projects we've encountered and it would be good to return at some point for longer.
The highlight of the trip for me was the mobile school and freest as these are the projects where I felt the most useful. Teaching the alphabet at the mobile school and having having the girl write it out perfectly and being in the finishing room at freest. I am glad I came on this trip as I have gained a broader perspective of the world and, although it would be nice to get back in my bubble, the experience has made me a more selfless person.

I also feel like I have made a small difference which I hope will grow into a larger one by sowing seeds in the hearts of people we've met. I've learnt that God may not appear to be anywhere in Kolkata as the
poverty of the city seems so immense. But when you look closely you can see God working through the people and projects. I've also learnt that if you give God a little he will make it a lot, a fact that is evident in the projects we've visited and all of our team as we have stepped out in faith.

Kolkata in three words - chaotic, intimidating and eye opening

Jess x

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