Thursday 2 August 2012

Prayer Request

The Big Blackout!

Yesterday, 31st of July, we were caught in the world’s biggest power cut. We were visiting Entally Baptist girls’ hostel at the time. It was around 6.30 in the evening when all the lights went out and we were plunged into darkness. The girls thought it was great fun to begin with and carried on dancing and playing - as best they could, with the girls from the school. I was a little concerned how we were going to negotiate uneven stairs in the pitch black with no torch! In the end we were shepherded down with a pencil light torch and miraculously made it out unscathed. The next challenge was blacked out streets and our driver couldn't get back to pick us up because Kolkata was grid locked. We struck out for BMS hostel trying to avoid pot holes, people, dogs and other unmentionable debris. After a slightly hairy walk we arrived back to the BMS hostel, which luckily has its own generator. We later learnt that it was most of India, 680 million according to the paper, which were affected. Train, trams, traffic lights and the air ports were all disrupted and there is a great possibility it will happen again.

Our prayer request is for travel next Tuesday when we are due to start travelling home. Please could you pray for our safety and an undisrupted trip home.

Thanks! Carol and Rachel

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