Thursday 9 August 2012


Final reflections

The two weeks that we've spent in Kolkata have been such an eye opening experience! I have really seen how faith plays a big part in the happiness and joy shared by people who have so little.
Seeing the big smiles in the kids faces really made me happy, they just need lots of loving care, which is a small thing to give, but makes a big difference to their lives.

At first, just walking in the street was scary to me, but meeting all the bubbly kids and all the wonderful people we have met through out the 2 weeks has made me more comfortable. I have been able to share with and laugh with them. Even though there was a language barrier, everyone we met were so welcoming and I hope they enjoyed our company as much as I enjoyed theirs!

Overall, this experience has been a big step in faith and seeing all the great work that is going on and had made me want to do more to help.

Kolkata in three words - amazing, scary and insightful!

Becky x

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