Thursday, 2 August 2012

Day 7 - Wednesday

Day 7

Today, Wednesday 1st August, we had a lie in, 7am instead of 6.30! We had a meeting with the India Campus Crusade for Christ group (ICCC). This is a team that operates in the local colleges, a bit like Christian Union. They were anxious to know how we communicated the Christian word to young people in England. A useful exchange of ideas took place and we were invited to two colleges in the afternoon. After an early lunch, you’ll never guess, curry, we proceeded to St. Paul’s where fresher week was in progress. This was quite an old building and we sat in the on the Christian club meeting in the chapel. Our hosts explained that it was not only a way of spreading the message but also befriending those scholars who were going through difficult times in the hope of cutting down the very high suicide rate among the young people. The girls then interacted with the pupils and many photos and exchanges of email addresses took place. On our exit from the college we had a little ceremony where a red wax like substance was daubed on our foreheads with rice and also presented with friendship bands. Funny moment of the day – we were interviewed by National Indian TV news – fame at last!
From there we preceded by taxis, another hair- raising experience, to St Xaviers college. This was huge, over 3000 pupils, and is the equivalent of Oxford or Cambridge at home. We went to their canteen for refreshments and chatted to some of the students. They were very interested in our faith and its quite refreshing to know that people openly talk about their religious beliefs and are keen to know all about our views. The leader of the ICCC group, who was accompanying us (I can’t pronounce his name let alone spell it) was a Muslim when he started college and went specifically to convert people to the Muslim faith. Instead he ended up being converted to Christianity and now works in the colleges befriending students and introducing them to the Christian faith.
Then he took us to a Christian book store which we all enjoyed as the store was an equal mix of English & Bengali written books, a number of which we recognised from home.
We were finally ferried home in two tuk tuk’s where we were in time for dinner – yum another curry.  I think my skin is going a nice shade of yellow!
Tomorrow we are off to Freeset in the red light district. Stay tuned for the next instalment!
Love Mumma Carol

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