Thursday 9 August 2012

Day 13 & 14 - Wednesday

The journey home

We left Kolkata at 4.30pm after a restful morning, packing cases, relaxing, and nipping out to get some last minuet items.
The journey to Mumbai went relatively quickly, however once reaching the air port we seemed to be held up at every opportunity. They seemed to want to scan our bags and pat us down at every opportunity, we were held up trying to get the shuttle bus and only just made it on to our flight after a quick sprint through the airport as they were trying to close the gate! After a long overnight flight with a limited amount of sleep we arrived in Heathrow on the 8th of August at about 7am to a group of friends, family and loved ones :) it was a great welcome home.
Thanks to you all for your love and Support over this trip - its nice to be back home and we are all looking forward to breakfast!
Glad to be home!

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