Sunday 5 August 2012

Day 9 - Friday

Day 9 
Today we were at freeset again all day. As we arrived all the women were singing because it was their morning worship time, it was lovely to watch.
After sorting out what we would be doing during the day we got to work doing more braiding, bracelet making and folding saris. 
Whilst I was braiding I was speaking with Annie the founder of the company, she is from New Zealand and a very inspirational lady. She loves the women in her project and is working hard to bring in social workers and health care professionals to make it more than just a business.
It was really interesting to hear about all the different products they made and developed and all the amazing coloured material which comes from old saris.
It is a really good project and we have enjoyed our time here. All the ladies seem to enjoy themselves whilst making the bags and there is a good atmosphere.
We were all quite happy with the meal choice today because we had a lunch without curry, then a welcomed dinner of noodles and chips! We were all going back for seconds!
Rebekah x

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