Thursday 9 August 2012


Final Reflections

Kolkata is a city of extremes, extreme fear and extreme Joy, extreme hardships and extreme love, extreme poverty and extreme wealth. And somewhere in the middle of that strange dichotomy we set about looking for God in a very alien city.
This trip to India was a great experience for me, I love the attitude of the Indian people, the business of the streets and the daily adventures hanging off a tuc tuc or avoiding a heard of goats in the street. I found the place very chaotic, haphazard and the people easy to warm to. It is funny how in such a sort space of time the most bizarre of things seems normal.
They call Kolkata the city of joy and I can see why, there is a lot of hope in the city and one of the great things about working with BMS is that we have been able to pick up the thread of God working in and amongst the various communities we have visited. We have met some amazing and truly inspiration people who have given up their whole lives in order to gain something much more in Christ. They have devoted themselves to others and continue to change the lives of many. One thing I have learnt over my time here is that God’s calls are focused and powerful. There are so many causes to help in Kolkata and we have many people volunteering in many different areas. However those who make the most impact have a very distinct calling to one ministry, and never waver. They are devoted to particular people in particular situations and give all they are and all they can to serve God there. In a city where it would be easy to wear yourself thinly God had chosen to channel there passions to astonishing effects.
It has been a very humbling experience for me seeing the faith these people have and the faith it grows in the people and children they work with. Their ministries are not flashy but honest and simple, sharing the love of God with each other.
It has been so great to go on this journey with the group too, I have seen the girls grow and develop so much (another humbling experience) and I am glad we have had the opportunity to do this together. I am excited for the future and look forward to sharing more of what we have learnt with our church family and communities at home.

Kolkata in three words for me, hope, colourful and buzzing

Em x


final reflections

Well it's the last morning here in Kolkata. I've packed the case and sat on it, hopefully it wont be overweight!
The monsoon rain has lowered the temperature slightly but it always manages to creep back up in between downpours. We are all subdued today after our visit to the girls home and j.k.p.s sponsor a child program. It was good that we did it as our full last day as I think it would have cast a shadow over the rest of the trip. It was something we needed to see, although very upsetting, and we all had weepy moments and needed lots of hugs yesterday evening.
The image I shall take away with me of Kolkata are the crowded, chaotic, noisy streets with the poorest of the poor living their lives on the pavement surrounded by western posters advertising sportswear and car showrooms displaying the latest top of the range motors. Most of all, however, is the dedication of the men and women we have met over the last 16 days, who work tirelessly on projects to better peoples lives. They are living the Christian life to the full, praying and relying on God for all they need and miraculously getting it. They are not only fighting poverty, but prejudices and a lot of red tape and sometimes putting themselves in danger. It has been a very humbling experience, one I shall never forget and one that has changed my perspective on life for ever.

Kolkata in three words, crowded, chaotic and thought-provoking
Mumma Carol x


Final reflections

The two weeks that we've spent in Kolkata have been such an eye opening experience! I have really seen how faith plays a big part in the happiness and joy shared by people who have so little.
Seeing the big smiles in the kids faces really made me happy, they just need lots of loving care, which is a small thing to give, but makes a big difference to their lives.

At first, just walking in the street was scary to me, but meeting all the bubbly kids and all the wonderful people we have met through out the 2 weeks has made me more comfortable. I have been able to share with and laugh with them. Even though there was a language barrier, everyone we met were so welcoming and I hope they enjoyed our company as much as I enjoyed theirs!

Overall, this experience has been a big step in faith and seeing all the great work that is going on and had made me want to do more to help.

Kolkata in three words - amazing, scary and insightful!

Becky x


final reflections

These last two weeks have been an amazing, life changing experience. I feel my faith has grown stronger and I really have a passion to do God's work in Bexhill.

During this trip I've laughed, cried, felt broken hearted and been fuming with anger. The program we followed was not all I had hoped for, I felt we had a bit too much free time and not enough hands on work and helping others.
I most certainly want to come back again to do more. I am so glad I came as I have been able to see God at work, the majority through the children at the mobile school. They have so much joy from just singing praises to God and thanking him for each day. It has altered the way I view everything and everyone, I thank God for giving me this chance and opportunity to grow, develop and change. 

Kolkata in three words - noisy, amazing and terrifying!

Sarah x


final reflections

After 2 weeks in Kolkata I have mixed feelings about leaving. While it will be great to come home, It will be a shame to leave behind the people and projects we've encountered and it would be good to return at some point for longer.
The highlight of the trip for me was the mobile school and freest as these are the projects where I felt the most useful. Teaching the alphabet at the mobile school and having having the girl write it out perfectly and being in the finishing room at freest. I am glad I came on this trip as I have gained a broader perspective of the world and, although it would be nice to get back in my bubble, the experience has made me a more selfless person.

I also feel like I have made a small difference which I hope will grow into a larger one by sowing seeds in the hearts of people we've met. I've learnt that God may not appear to be anywhere in Kolkata as the
poverty of the city seems so immense. But when you look closely you can see God working through the people and projects. I've also learnt that if you give God a little he will make it a lot, a fact that is evident in the projects we've visited and all of our team as we have stepped out in faith.

Kolkata in three words - chaotic, intimidating and eye opening

Jess x


Final Reflections

What an experience!! For so many reasons one that will not be forgotten in a hurry.
With such a stressful build up to the trip itself for one reason and another I didn't really have time to think about what I may encounter whilst away, and to be honest that was probably not a bad thing as I don't think any amount of preparation would have made any difference in managing to process what we saw!

There will always be various social groupings and classes within any society, but to be slapped in the face with it before even touching down in the aeroplane was possibly the biggest reality check we could have ever got, from the sky we saw blue tarpaulins stretch far and wide (these were the roofs to slums) and they would go right up to the walls of multi storey apartment blocks, mansions and even the airport runway! Every spare bit of land was either a building, a slum or the rubbish tip, I'm surprised we didn't all want to turn back at the realisation of just how great, and overwhelming, the need is and how insignificant I certainly felt it with regards to what sort of a difference could I make, I mean after all I am only 1 person!!

Having said that, however, I must admit naïvety when it comes to believing how much 1 person can do if it of Gods will! I was not once short of admiration for all the people God has put in place to do his will with the people of Kolkata, to say their trust in him was awe-inspiring and inspirational is an understatement! In the case of Annie & Kerry @ Freeset who gave up their lives in New Zealand and up rooted their 4 small children to help free women in the sex industry because that is what they felt God was telling them to do is  truly humbling to see; that someone can trust and rely on God that much to provide them with all their needs made me question just how much we really do trust in, or rely on God? Then there were those working with children, either from the streets in the mobile school, with the babies in the day care centre or housing the under 18 year old girls from the trafficking industry, all these people had it put on their hearts that thisis what God wanted them to set up or work in and again it was a very hard question I found myself asking that why is it those who have so little are able to give so much?????
A truly life changing experience and I feel blessed to be part of!

Kolkota to me in 3 words: amazing, colourful, unforgettable.          

Day 13 & 14 - Wednesday

The journey home

We left Kolkata at 4.30pm after a restful morning, packing cases, relaxing, and nipping out to get some last minuet items.
The journey to Mumbai went relatively quickly, however once reaching the air port we seemed to be held up at every opportunity. They seemed to want to scan our bags and pat us down at every opportunity, we were held up trying to get the shuttle bus and only just made it on to our flight after a quick sprint through the airport as they were trying to close the gate! After a long overnight flight with a limited amount of sleep we arrived in Heathrow on the 8th of August at about 7am to a group of friends, family and loved ones :) it was a great welcome home.
Thanks to you all for your love and Support over this trip - its nice to be back home and we are all looking forward to breakfast!
Glad to be home!