Thursday 26 July 2012

Day One

We have just spent the morning at GNCEM which is basically a mobile school for street children. We were picked up by a yellow bus with children all jostling to sit on our laps. A chaotic journey ensued with children shouting, babies screaming, mad driving, horns blaring - basically health and safety would have a field day!
We finally reached our destination where the children were all washed down, dried and kitted out in blue shirts over their clothes. After a time of singing our girls performed a play (the lost sheep) and we sang worship songs which seemed to go down ok. Milk and biscuits were provided and then classes began. There were three age related groups of children, which we then helped with maths and english. The children then had lunch of rice and a very yellow coloured curry which disappeared very quickly.
After letting of steam in the yard it was back in doors for a lay down. A chaotic jumble of limbs and bodies everywhere - myself included! The journey home was equally challenging with decibel levels at fever pitch. We got off the bus a disheveled group.
Would i go back? You bet!
Love Mumma Carol 

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the great work guys. Sounds exhausting! You're all deeply missed. Much love, Sam.
