Monday 30 July 2012

Day 4 - Sunday

Day 4

This morning we went to church at the big life church with pastor Ben. It was a bi-lingual service but seemed to be mostly Bengali, it was really hard to follow but quite an interesting experience. The whole service lasted 3 hours and by that time we were all just really hungry and wanted to go home.
On the way home Emma noticed a lady in a gorgeous purple and gold sari, we soon realised she was actually a man and Infact a prostitute. He started coming up to the window and began stroking at the window when we were sat at the traffic lights, it was quite unnerving.
Later we looked in a few shops and wandered around a bit but we didn't really do much, then went home and rested.
In the evening we did a bible study mostly on what kind of person we want to be and how we think we can become that.
I concluded that everytime something scares me I will hand it over to God and cope with his strength not my own, and if I can try to enjoy it. Like the ride in the tuc tuc when It felt like I was half way out of the car, it was like the fastest, scariest roller coaster I had ever been on just without a seatbelt or safety harness but it was emense fun!
This evening we went to dinner at the golden dragon (Sunday is the cooks night off) it was a Chinese place and the food was really tasty. Walking there and back was quite exciting as we never walk around at night. Pastor Asis and the hostel manager took us, I was scared but also calm and enjoying myself at the same time, I'm starting to feel much more confident about walking the streets of India the more I do it the more I get used to it. When you are walking here you have to keep your head up and look confident to avoid getting hassled but you also need to be looking down alot to check where you are walking (the paths are often uneven and lots of dogs and many people are sleeping on the pavements) You have to be awear of what's happening, in front, behind and to the left and the right while still trying to look at everything and take it all in its all crazy but a lot of fun too the streets are very busy!
Overall today has been fun and I'm looking forward to tomorrow
Sarah x

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