Saturday 28 July 2012

Day 2 Sorry this post is from yesterday as the wifi has been down at BMS so we will try and fill in the gaps today (sat) Today we were working with gncem once more, visiting some of there other projects that lead on from the mobile school. We first visited one or the permanent schhols where greeted by the youngest and largest class and were given a flower each as a gift - the first of many to be recieved that day! Leaving them to their studies we journeyed on to a bible college, a luxurious three story house built within the last year used to train pastors from rural areas. Our next stop was a girls boarding school/hostel where we performed a drama of zaccheaus and taught songs including some big fish little fish numbers which the children loved. We were then treated to a dance by the girls from the hostel and given time to interact with them. We brought some bubbles with us which were greatly recieved and were shown many skipping and hand clapping games. We spent far too long here and were dragged away after many games and photos were taken, we were all having such a great time. It was then straight on to the boys hostel where we were once again welcomed with flowers and a dance (this one involving Pom poms!) whilst there we took part in a group prayer session which can be quite a contrast to prayer time at beulah the children all pray on their knees with arms in the air praying aloud all at once, they cry out to God praying loudly and end by singing a chorus of alleluah. On our way back to the guest house we stopped off at the baby care unit which we stopped at brefly in the morning (were spending the morning there Monday!) to pick up the babies and take them home. I think I speak for all of us (bar one *cough Emma cough*) when I say this was one of the loveliest, cutest moments of the day. After a long time in traffic we finally reunited the babies with their parents and returned to the guest house to wash all our filthy clothes in our make shift laundrette (a bucket) to have some dinner and to collapse in bed after a long day! Jess

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