Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Day 5 - Monday

Today we went to baby care & a school in the slums for children in the surrounding slums, so once again we we piled into the yellow bus already full of kids desperate to sit on our laps, after we'd dropped them off at the mobile school we continued for about an hour with 10 babies and collecting more along the way. Those crying could not be comforted by any of us but were calm in the arms of the sisters who teach them so we decided that they don't recognise our skin colour as safe. When we unloaded all babies at the crèche they got undressed and washed, we dried and clothed them in clean clothes and then fed them breakfast, the girls did very well at this (we have photos!) we then left after song & story time to go to the school. We had to lead part of the assembly, but without Emma leading us the leadership role fell to Carol (who was quick to share it with me!) Carol did very well with only an hour to think & prep,  we then went to all the different classes and all the children stood up and greeted us as we entered. Due to the rain our afternoon plans were cancelled so while the girls & Emma rested Carol & I went on our own adventure around Kolkota, we were having to fend for ourselves, finding a tuk tuk that would take us the right street and then the right place in the street, we felt like children skipping school & being "proper grown ups" in the big city on our own, it was great fun - although Carol almost lost her toes to a rickshaw as she did not look both ways before crossing the road (although it was a one way street she forgot that they don't follow the rules of the road!) Everyone was well rested when we returned, but Emma was still feeling delicate so i went to the chemists to get her some medicine, on the way back i got caught in possibly the worst monsoon we've had since we arrived, so i took shelter in a doorway only to be approached by some weird Indian man who started to tell me his life story (it was leading to asking for money) so i said "thats nice" and walked off in the torrential rain, much to the amusement of all the other people sheltering from the rain! Carol had lent me her umbrella but in that rain it was as useful as a chocolate fire guard as I'm sure you can imagine! So once i'd dried myself off we all gathered for a few games of uno, which was followed by more curry (except for me as I can't eat curry so it was boiled rice for me) but anyway all in all it was a good day all round and everyone ejoyed listening to my fun mercy mission to the chemists! Praise God for humour!

Monday, 30 July 2012

Day 4 - Sunday

Day 4

This morning we went to church at the big life church with pastor Ben. It was a bi-lingual service but seemed to be mostly Bengali, it was really hard to follow but quite an interesting experience. The whole service lasted 3 hours and by that time we were all just really hungry and wanted to go home.
On the way home Emma noticed a lady in a gorgeous purple and gold sari, we soon realised she was actually a man and Infact a prostitute. He started coming up to the window and began stroking at the window when we were sat at the traffic lights, it was quite unnerving.
Later we looked in a few shops and wandered around a bit but we didn't really do much, then went home and rested.
In the evening we did a bible study mostly on what kind of person we want to be and how we think we can become that.
I concluded that everytime something scares me I will hand it over to God and cope with his strength not my own, and if I can try to enjoy it. Like the ride in the tuc tuc when It felt like I was half way out of the car, it was like the fastest, scariest roller coaster I had ever been on just without a seatbelt or safety harness but it was emense fun!
This evening we went to dinner at the golden dragon (Sunday is the cooks night off) it was a Chinese place and the food was really tasty. Walking there and back was quite exciting as we never walk around at night. Pastor Asis and the hostel manager took us, I was scared but also calm and enjoying myself at the same time, I'm starting to feel much more confident about walking the streets of India the more I do it the more I get used to it. When you are walking here you have to keep your head up and look confident to avoid getting hassled but you also need to be looking down alot to check where you are walking (the paths are often uneven and lots of dogs and many people are sleeping on the pavements) You have to be awear of what's happening, in front, behind and to the left and the right while still trying to look at everything and take it all in its all crazy but a lot of fun too the streets are very busy!
Overall today has been fun and I'm looking forward to tomorrow
Sarah x

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Day 3 Today we had our first lay in, but it was still disturbed by the persistent laundry man who insists on knocking at 7.00am wanting us to use the charged laundry service - he knocks untill he gets an answer, I don't think his understanding of English stretches to the do not disturb signs we had put up. Today our breakfast consisted of mango cornflakes which I have to say were a rather interesting experience! Today was a day off for rest, tourism and shopping. Our first part of the day was a tour of the sights of Kolkata, we saw fort William, the queen Victoria memorial and some other sites of the city. While we were at the Victoria memorial is really hot, so hot it felt like your skin was burning along with the humidity making it sticky! After a very sweaty tour of the art exhibitions inside we sat under a shelter avoiding the sudden monsoon downpour which cooled things down a little. We then went back to the city centre where we had a good old feast of Macdonalds - which was enjoyed by all considering we are mostly all fed up of two meals of the same kinds of curry every day! After lunch we went shopping - my favourite part of the day! And spent 3 hours in ONE shop! "team beulah" and I bought a lot of things! We are a very good team when it comes to shopping if nothing else! I really enjoyed the experience because they invite you to come in and sit down on a mat, they bring round hot chi tea and bring out every colour and style of bags, tops and baggy trousers they have. The shop is stacked almost to the celing with stuff, it was pretty amazing! So over all it's been a fun, hot, sweaty day, like most other days now! But we are all happy and tierd, now that we've had some retail therapy! Rebekah x
Day 2 Sorry this post is from yesterday as the wifi has been down at BMS so we will try and fill in the gaps today (sat) Today we were working with gncem once more, visiting some of there other projects that lead on from the mobile school. We first visited one or the permanent schhols where greeted by the youngest and largest class and were given a flower each as a gift - the first of many to be recieved that day! Leaving them to their studies we journeyed on to a bible college, a luxurious three story house built within the last year used to train pastors from rural areas. Our next stop was a girls boarding school/hostel where we performed a drama of zaccheaus and taught songs including some big fish little fish numbers which the children loved. We were then treated to a dance by the girls from the hostel and given time to interact with them. We brought some bubbles with us which were greatly recieved and were shown many skipping and hand clapping games. We spent far too long here and were dragged away after many games and photos were taken, we were all having such a great time. It was then straight on to the boys hostel where we were once again welcomed with flowers and a dance (this one involving Pom poms!) whilst there we took part in a group prayer session which can be quite a contrast to prayer time at beulah the children all pray on their knees with arms in the air praying aloud all at once, they cry out to God praying loudly and end by singing a chorus of alleluah. On our way back to the guest house we stopped off at the baby care unit which we stopped at brefly in the morning (were spending the morning there Monday!) to pick up the babies and take them home. I think I speak for all of us (bar one *cough Emma cough*) when I say this was one of the loveliest, cutest moments of the day. After a long time in traffic we finally reunited the babies with their parents and returned to the guest house to wash all our filthy clothes in our make shift laundrette (a bucket) to have some dinner and to collapse in bed after a long day! Jess

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Day One

We have just spent the morning at GNCEM which is basically a mobile school for street children. We were picked up by a yellow bus with children all jostling to sit on our laps. A chaotic journey ensued with children shouting, babies screaming, mad driving, horns blaring - basically health and safety would have a field day!
We finally reached our destination where the children were all washed down, dried and kitted out in blue shirts over their clothes. After a time of singing our girls performed a play (the lost sheep) and we sang worship songs which seemed to go down ok. Milk and biscuits were provided and then classes began. There were three age related groups of children, which we then helped with maths and english. The children then had lunch of rice and a very yellow coloured curry which disappeared very quickly.
After letting of steam in the yard it was back in doors for a lay down. A chaotic jumble of limbs and bodies everywhere - myself included! The journey home was equally challenging with decibel levels at fever pitch. We got off the bus a disheveled group.
Would i go back? You bet!
Love Mumma Carol 

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

We are here

I am pleased to tell you that i am writing this from the offices of the BMS guest house! We arrived quite last last night after a long journey (27 hours since we left Beulah!) we were all exhausted but met with hosts at the airport quickly. It was a crazy drive from the airport and i cannot express what was felt seeing all the sounds and sights of the city in our zombie like states. We were faced with bright colours, lots of people, alot of poverty surrounded by outlet stores and some rather scary driving styles. All shell shocked we had a good nights sleep! This morning we prayed had breakfast and met the staff of the projects we will be visiting, this afternoon we will be going to the market to get some clothes.  Needless to say its very hot, and feels like you are walking in an oven! But we are blessed with air con in the rooms and fans.
Thank you for all your love, we trust that you are keeping us in prayer - we have a lot to be thankful for!With love from team Beulah

Monday, 23 July 2012

In the airport and awaiting departure! Well we have made it past security in one piece and are awaiting our gate to open so we can board. We had a phone call from bms on the way to the airport telling us our connecting flight is delayed and so we now have a 6 hour and 15 min stop over in Mumbai and will arrive in Kolkata at 8pm India time. Thanks for all those who came put to give us a good send off it was greatly appreciated!

Monday, 16 July 2012

So one week to go....

Hello one and all, we are all very excited we have reached the one week mark! We start taking our malaria tablets today, and in the middle of the week we will be shopping for items to take for the children - what an adventure! If you are the praying type we would love it if you send a few prayers our way over the week (and of course over the next two weeks after that) Here are the things we would value prayer on at the moment. 


Flight details


We leave Beulah at 2.30pm on Monday the 23rd of July (we are leaving a lot of time as otherwise we would catch London in rush hour!) We have a 3-hour check in and fly out at 9.25pm from Heathrow and arrive in Mumbai 9 hours and 50 mins later. We have a change over of 1 hour and 40 mins in which we need to collect bags, go through security and get to the other terminal via a free shuttle bus (not much time for all this so please pray we make it alright!) We then fly from Mumbai to Kolkata, which will take about 2 hours and 40 min arriving in Kolkata at 3.20pm India time on the 24th of July.


We fly from Kolkata on the 7th of Aug 8.40pm India time and arrive in Mumbai 2 hours 35 later at 11.15pm. We have 2 hours 30 mins for a change over and leave Mumbai at 1.45am arriving in Heathrow at 6.45am on the 8th of August where family members will be picking up a group of very tired people!
We also pray for safety when traveling around Kolkata.


Please pray the team remains healthy whilst out in India. We pray that anyone who does become ill would make a speedy recovery and our work would not be harmed through illness. We pray for team members with existing medical conditions the conditions would cause any adverse effects and they can continue to serve fully.

  Team relationships

We pray for a culture of love and honesty between the team. We pray that God is in the midst and his presence is close to us. We pray that difficulties can be over come and that we would chose to love one another above all in every circumstance. May God bring us closer together supporting one another and facing new challenges in unity.

For the people we will work with

Our Itinerary is already planned between BMS England and the mission center in Kolkata. We don't know precisely what we will be doing while we are out there as will have the opportunity to discuss the program once we have arrived. We do know that we will be working mainly with the Good News Education Mission (GNEM) teaching children in a mobile school. We will work at Entally girls home, visit the freest factory and help out at the little sisters of the poor - home for the elderly. We pray in confidence that God has gone before us and pray that we will touch the lives of all we come in contact with showing them the love of Jesus.


We pray for a filling of the Holy Spirit that we will be filled with God’s power to do the work required of us and the strength to face new challenges.


We would like you to pray the following verses over us that we were given through servants with Jesus. Please pray God’s protection on us mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually through the name of Jesus.
Psalm 5
V11b - Spread your protection over them that those who love your name may rejoice in you.
V12 - For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous, you surround them with your favor as with a shield.

Thank you for all your support, love and prayers please remember to check the blog when we are out in India for regular updates when we can. If you are around the Bexhill area on Sunday the 22nd please drop by the seafront (if the weather is behaving itself!) for our commissioning from Beulah at 11am and to get a glimpse of our lovely team India t-shirts!
God bless and love from the team x